Low Price Oneida Chateau 6" S/S Teaspoon - Dozen
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Here are some of the great features of Oneida Chateau 6" S/S Teaspoon - Dozen
Oneida Chateau 6", Oneida chateau 6" s/s teaspoon this teaspoon has intricate scrolls, finely detailed flowers and is perfect for both elegant and everyday settings. model #: 2610stsf material: stainless steel long lasting dishwasher safe length: 6" shipping weight: 2.6 lbs 408386 - Dozen
Save on Oneida Chateau 6" S/S Teaspoon - Dozen Low Price Oneida Chateau 6". Best Deals Oneida Chateau 6" S/S Teaspoon - Dozen Reasonable Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hot Savings!