Get Cheap Pinkaholic New York Lovely Tee-Shirt, Pink, Small
Looking for GREATE DEALS & BEST BUY on Pinkaholic New York Lovely Tee-Shirt, Pink, Small ? You are in the right place to get Cheapest Pinkaholic York Lovely. You can compare prices and read reviews on Pinkaholic York Lovely here.
Pinkaholic New York Lovely Tee-Shirt, Pink, Small this product is a lot people search and Pinkaholic York Lovely have sold by trusted site we are Guarantee. We already surveyed Pinkaholic® New York NAIA-TS103/PINK/S have been popular and is cheap price now.
Here are some of the great features of Pinkaholic New York Lovely Tee-Shirt, Pink, Small
Pinkaholic York Lovely, As the name suggests, the "Lovely" shirt by Pinkaholic(R) is a basic Tee-Shirt featuring a large centered heart surrounded by sequins and accented by a small ribbon. This shirt is available in two colors, Pink and Brown ranging from sizes Small ~ Large.
Please note that because these products were created with small/medium dog breeds in mind, and larger sizes (i.e. Large, Extra-Large, etc.) do not necessarily mean larger breeds. Please refer to image of the size chart. Weight figures are for estimates only. Always use actual measurements.
IMPORTANT: Please note that when measuring your dog, the measurement for the neck must be taken at the BASE OF THE NECK and chest girth must be taken behind the front legs. Also it is important to take into account the size of the dog's head as well as neck girth and chest girth. Since some dogs have a much larger head than their neck, please be sure that the neck opening is large enough to slide over your dog's head.
- Decorated with a large centered heart with sequin decorations
- Size: Small - Neck Girth (6" ~ 8"), Chest Girth (10" ~ 12"); approx. 4 ~ 6 lbs.
- Basic Pinkaholic® New York Tee-Shirt for small dog breeds
- Material: 100% Cotton
- Available in Pink and Brown in sizes Small ~ Large
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