Buy Stray Cat POLARIZED LENSES Neoprene Foam Padded Sunglasses Motorcycle - FREE Rubber EAR LOCKS and Microfiber Pouch - GLOSS Black Frame
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Here are some of the great features of Stray Cat POLARIZED LENSES Neoprene Foam Padded Sunglasses Motorcycle - FREE Rubber EAR LOCKS and Microfiber Pouch - GLOSS Black Frame
Why have Foam Padded Eyewear and have them slipping down your nose and breaking your wind seal. With our Adjustable/Removable Soft Rubber Ear Locks you can firmly secure the sunglasses to your face. No more slipping down your nose. No unsightly strap across the back of your head or catching in your hair. Rubber Ear Locks are also available separately in our store.
- UV400 Filter Shatterproof Polycarbonate Lenses
- Neoprene Foam - GLOSS BLACK FRAME see store for MATTE Black Frame
- FREE Rubber Ear Locks and Microfiber Cleaning/Storage Pouch
- Listing for 1 Pair of Sunglasses
- Scratch Resistant Double Sided Anti-Fog Coating Coating
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